At the 2nd Eco Festival on Patmos, 2023
The 2nd Patmos Ecology Festival concluded with a series of beautiful activities. 25 enthusiastic runners took part in the race from the square of Skala to the heart of Kouma and back, returning to the [...]
2nd Eco Festival on Patmos
Monday 2-10-2023 Day of Ideas, Patmion, 18.00 A presentation of the ideas behind the 2nd Patmos Ecology Festival will take place at the Patmion Cultural Centre. The following questions will be addressed: What [...]
? 1ο Φεστιβάλ Οικολογίας Πάτμου | 1st Eco Festival on Patmos
In Greek Πρώτο Φεστιβάλ Οικολογίας Πάτμου ? 8 Ημέρες Αφιερωμένες στην Οικο-λογία με επίκεντρο τη δημιουργία ενός υγειούς οικοσυστήματος στον Κουμά. Ανταλάσσουμε προσωπικό χρόνο για Συλλογικό ΚαλόΠρόγραμμα Δραστηριοτήτων Δευτέρα 17/10 17:00 Ημερίδα Ιδεών στο Πάτμιον [...]
The Honest Trees of Patmos
A video on the honest trees of Patmos.
News from the tree kindergarten…
The nursery has become a small "tree kindergarten".
What if everyone in the world planted a tree?
Trees are one element in the fight against climate change.