planting a tree is simple
Community of Trees (Hellenic name “Κοινωνία των Δέντρων”) was founded in the island of Patmos in September 2012 under the form of a Non-Profit Society whose main purpose is the development of environmental and cultural projects. Our tasks are orientated towards the following perspectives:
Conceive, analyze, implement and monitor environmental projects in cooperation with the local authorities. These tasks may take the form of conservation of existing local ecosystems or develop the conditions for the initiation of new ones.
Promotion of public awareness on both local and global environmental issues. This will be accomplished through the organization of public events with informational, educational and cultural material.
Production and promotion of multimedia products with cultural and environmental content.
Look for and absorb the necessary national and European funds for the implementation of the above tasks and the stimulation of the local economy.
Currently, the Community of Trees is developing a project under the name “Koumas Forest” which is envisioning the creation of a forest park at the hill of Koumas in the heart of Patmos, consisting mainly of endemic trees. The intention is to create the conditions for the development of an autonomous local ecosystem.
In this site you may find details about our current project and information on our accomplished ones.
Donations or personal involvement will be highly appreciated as it is only through the collective participation that our projects will see the light.

A forest ecology is a delicate one. If the forest perishes, its fauna may go with it. The word for world is also the word for forest.
Ursula K. Le Guin
3rd Eco Festival of Patmos
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At the 2nd Eco Festival on Patmos, 2023
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2nd Eco Festival on Patmos
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? 1ο Φεστιβάλ Οικολογίας Πάτμου | 1st Eco Festival on Patmos
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The Honest Trees of Patmos
A video on the honest trees of Patmos.
News from the tree kindergarten…
The nursery has become a small "tree kindergarten".